above time


這一系列作品是將"時間帶來的感受"可視化。靈感來自Alan Lightman 的著作愛因斯坦的夢,這本書描繪了許多不同時間的面向,基於科學事實的或大膽虛構的,模擬套用在我們的日常生活來提供對時間的詩意多樣理解。我將“時間”認為只是個名詞,一個人類創造的度量單位。因為“時間”存在的唯一原因,是人們在我們的度量系統中給出了一個定義。如是如此,時間是甚麼?全取決於我們如何看待它。

This series of artwork visualizes a sense of time. In the book Einstein’s Dreams which depicts time in many different aspects it simulates our daily life stories to provide a poetic diverse understanding of time. As a result, I consider the noun “time” is just a unit of measurement, the only way "time" exists is because people give it a definition in our metrics system. If so, in other words, whether the time is linear or multiple it depends on how we look at it.

14 Apr, 1905Eastern Gouache on wood, 70 x 30 cm 2017“Suppose time is a circle, bending back on itself. The world repeats itself, precisely, endlessly.” quote from chapter 14 Apr 1905, Einstein’s Dreams. In this artwork is an asymmetrical, mirrorish …

四月十四, 1905

膠彩, 木板 70 x 30 cm 2018

“設想時間是個圓,彎轉過來首尾相連。世界重複著自己,無休無止,不差分毫。” 引述愛因斯坦的夢第一章四月十四1905。在這件作品上是一個不完全對稱的畫面,我用一條又一條的細線排列成了一個不明顯的圓。正如當我們走完看線性的人生,或許我們只是完成了圓的其中一筆。在時間為圓的世界裡,一切都將重頭,而使"每一天"能成為不完全對稱的也變成了人無止的願望。

14 Apr, 1905

Eastern Gouache on wood, 70 x 30 cm 2018

“Suppose time is a circle, bending back on itself. The world repeats itself, precisely, endlessly.” quote from chapter 14 Apr 1905, Einstein’s Dreams. In this artwork is an asymmetrical, mirrorish image. Above that, there are many extreme subtle fine lines that construct a figure of a circle. Each line of the circle metaphors our entire life which seems to be fulfilled but turns out it is just a part of the whole circle. In the world in which time is a circle, everything will be repeated, so makes a day asymmetric to another day becomes an endless wish to mankind.


2017 / Eastern Gouache on wood, 50 x 50 cm

15 June 1905

2018 / Eastern Gouache on wood, 50 x 50 cm

2017 / Eastern Gouache on wood, 50 x 50 cm

15 June 1905

2018 / Eastern Gouache on wood, 50 x 50 cm

Title: 9 June 1905Eastern Gouache on wood and linen, 50 x 50 cm 2017“Suppose that people live forever...Over time, some have determined that the only way to live is to die. In death, a man or a woman is free of the weight of the past” quotes from ch…

六月九號, 1905

膠彩 棉布 木頭板 50 x 50 cm 2018

“假設人們永遠活著......隨著時間的推移,一些人已經確定,唯一的生活方式就是能夠死亡。在死亡中,一個男人或一個女人才將能擺脫過去的沉重壓力。“ 引述愛因斯坦的夢第二十章1905年6月9日。在故事中,因為沒人能夠死亡,所以兒子永遠離不開父親的影子,而誰也無法真正成為的自己。作品中有一扇窗戶,它代表著我們對世界的洞察力。人們可能會關上他來遮擋陽光或避免雨水,但不會為編織別人的觀念而堵上。也許死亡不會讓生命擁有價值,它只是單純的維持我們的自主權。

9 June, 1905

Eastern Gouache on wood and linen, 50 x 50 cm 2018

“Suppose that people live forever...Over time, some have determined that the only way to live is to die. In death, a man or a woman is free of the weight of the past” quotes from chapter 20, 9 June 1905, Einstein’s Dreams. In the story, because no one can die, a son can never be separated from the shadow of his father. , no one ever comes into his own. This artwork has a window inside, it represents our insight into the world. People may put up a blinder to hide the sunshine or close it to avoid raining weather, but we should not brick it just because someone is telling you to do so. Maybe death doesn’t make life worthwhile, it just simply sustains our autonomy.

2017 / Eastern Gouache on linen, Embroidery, 50 x 50 cm

9 June 1905

2018 / Eastern Gouache on linen, Embroidery, 50 x 50 cm