Migration of Annihilation

2015 / Eastern Gouache  166 cm x 79.5 cm


"Migration" is the phenomenon of long-distance movement from meters to thousand of kilometers. What made them so without hesitation? I thought about the origin of life, and what can be achieved before it ends. Hence I compare human with fish to describe this journey. After a lifetime of pursue and practice, this journey eventually moves towards death, but hoping rebirth to follow.


Butterflies without Bodies

2015 / Eastern Gouache  120 cm x 45.5 cm

We came alone in the beginning and we leave alone at the end. There is no exception. Zhuang Zhou Dreams a Butterfly is an ancient fable in the Orient that expresses how lonely conscience came about and how one let it go. Many people walk on paths that become narrower and narrower. They are not willing to see who they really are. They desire transformation but fail to find the method. Eventually, they become sleepwalkers, who lock themselves in a surreal world seeking for the possibility to break through the loneliness. In my work, the butterflies, although without bodies, can still flutter. It is not possible in reality. I want to express the phenomenon when people are trapped in themselves, and the wish to have more tolerance. It provides an interpretation for people to accept the impermanence.


Mirror of Rainbow

2015 / Eastern Gouache  38 cm x 45.5 cm


To be one’s true self is like looking into a mirror. To cry or to laugh is open without hesitation.

Poppies are toxic like the outside world. They spread on water surface and blur our vision. Even if the view seems like glamorous rainbow, no longer can we find our true self from it.



2015 / Eastern Gouache  38 cm x 45.5 cm


I used to be an alienated minority. I did not know how to talk about myself or how to approach other people. I wanted to change but I could not. It felt like growing scales on me. No longer could I be part of others and leave solitude. Painful to tear off. Painful to grow.



2015 / Eastern Gouache  53 cm x 45.5 cm


Orchid symbolizes the “strength of character of the orient”. The lines are delicate yet distinct. They form like a shell to contain the reserved, hidden soul that does not easily give up one word. I presented the context of a plant to explain the abstract concept of “strength of character of the orient”. I express my reflection: do we prefer silence, whereas our culture made us silent?